About Me

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I'm a writer and library worker who wears many hats. I believe a good book and a good piece of chocolate are the keys to a happy life.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Book In A Month Challenge

This past week I have been gearing up to put some projects back on the front burner. After the whirlwind completing my newest title (see the side bar), I had to take some time to catch up with my scheduled projects and put my house and kids back in order. Now I'm in "get serious" mode again. I have a lot of projects that are burning holes in my heart waiting to get out on the page and needed to glue my bottom to the chair to get them done.
Enter Tristi http://www.tristipinkston.blogspot.com/ with her awesome foresight and answer to my prayers. As you will notice I'm taking Tristi's challenge to complete my current WIP within a month. I know the Lord wants me to do it. I know my friends and family are supporting me and rooting for me. I know family will survive (well, that's what I'm telling them anyway). That's all I need to know.
Have I mentioned lately how much I love being a writer? I am truly blessed.


Unknown said...

I'm participating in this project as well. Let's all keep each other going!

Tristi Pinkston said...

And I couldn't be more tickled that you've joined me in this, Alison! Yes, your family will survive -- at last count, I still have four children. :)